Yellowstone National Park, Part 3

Yellowstone National Park, Part 3

Just as I was standing before the falls waiting for Betty to come return from the gift shop, there was a little commotion on then hill across the street from the shop. Apparently there was a black bear cub running around over there.IMG_4196Betty started running after I pointed it out to her. This was the first bear she had ever seen. She was so excited! As was I for her.  This became a major traffic jam. Everyone was telling everyone else to be careful. If the cub is around, the mother is not far behind. And that could mean trouble.

Well after that we headed up to Lamar Valley for the late afternoon animal watch. The turnouts were so crowded you could not find a parking space. Eventually we found a spot at the end and hunkered down for the wait. It didn’t take long and the Lamar wolf pack came into view. You could see them moving around but they were like ants unless you had a telescope. I have a Canon 6D full frame camera with a Sigma 150-600mm lens and I could barely see them. After a while we decided to head out and and catch some dinner and get to bed early. Remember what I said….EARLY. Well that was our plan.

Well, like everything else, plans change. We decided to spend the next day and evening in Cody. First we were going to head out and see if we could find some wild horses in the McCIMG_4434ullough Peaks Wildlife Management Area. I read that there were like 6,000 horses on over 120,000 acres of land. Good luck to that!

We are always lucky. If it’s raining we find a spot close to the door. On 120,000 acres, we found 2 horses. It was pretty exciting since it took us about 4 hours of driving. We stopped and actually got pretty close to them as you can see in the picture. It almost seemed if the one was looking out for the other. She was warning us to stay away.

On our way back to Cody we decided to head back and see the Cody Stampede- the rodeo that happens nearly every night in town. Tonight was going to be something special. It was going to be Extreme Bull Riding exclusively. Personally I would have liked the variety of a normal rodeo. This could get boring after the first 20 cowboys got thrown from the bulls.

We headed there after dinner and it was crowded. You would have thought they were giving something away. 

Well, it was pretty much as I said….all riders but 2 out of the first twenty were thrown. Bulls 18 Cowboys 2. I did get some great pictures though and they are attached in the gallery. I will admit though and it did make me proud. This event, cowboys and country in general was extremely patriotic. I am proud to live here, have worked hard to earn what I have and am so blessed to enjoy the country that we live in.

Stay tuned for the Tetons!

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