I was always wondering how long it would take me to document the last 6 years of travelling with my love. Well here we are and although I can’t say that I have the time to do this on a regular basis, I am going to make the time. I am still working and have substantial duties to my employer, but as I get better at this and begin to slow down on the job, I expect to be a more frequent poster to this site.

But that’s what it takes. It takes making a conscious decision to do the things that you want to do for yourself and for your loved ones. Things that are ultimately going to make you and others around you….happy.

Cartagena des Indias Door

As you can see in my photo gallery, I have a gallery dedicated to photos of doors. Doors? You might say? What does that mean?

To me, doors are an entrance and gateway to something new and exciting, a learning experience a new path to somewhere you may have never been before. We all know that most doors are built to keep you out. But if there is an opportunity to take a peek through that door and see what’s on the other side, I am going to take it!

Follow me through the many doors that we will pass through in this journey of discovery. I bring my camera almost everywhere so the site will abound with photos, many times starting with a door, opening an adventure and ending with many great memories!


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